Wednesday, September 29, 2010


As I mentioned before, I’m trying to eat healthier this month and luckily I was able to try the new offerings from some fast food places in August. I tried the smokehouse deluxe burger from McDonalds…and euwww…the taste was bad! It was sooo smokey with nasty onions. It was like taking the smoke when you have a bbq or start a bomb-fire and mix it with meat, let it sit for awhile and it gets a weird smell. Combine all that and that’s what you get. So no, I’m never eating that again!

Next I tried Harvey's the Great Canadian burger and it wasn't new at all. Just the same burger as before with thicker meat…don’t get me wrong I love meat, and more meat is always good but to say it’s a new burger umm no!!! be more original please!

So during my healthy month I decided to give the zesty mango McMini a try...yes I know it's not healthy…but it’s a  mini so what harm can it do. Well I was wrong…it was harmful…it tasted horrible!!! Just discusting! Whatever sauce they put in there is a big NO!! The zesty sauce and some white looking sauce is a terrible mix! Take old mayo, old dijon mustard, some honey, plus some sour taste and mix it all together; that’s what the zesty sauce is like. The McMini should just disappear!!

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