Thursday, September 16, 2010

Adios Food Galore

I love food!! I'll eat anytime and anything (as long as it looks good). I even ate crickets (it was for a challenge). A hard question to answer is when I am asked what my favourite food is. If I am forced to choose, it will have to be the traditional Salvadorian meals: pupusas, tamales & horneado (the sandwiches are amazing!!!!) Mmm I'm getting hungry just writing about it.

Over the last year I have been going to the gym two to three times a week. Personally, I have felt and seen a difference. However, most people have seen no difference or a small change. :( It's ok though because my objective throughout the last year was to work out and have the luxury to eat and eat and eat. I know it was bad thinking. I still believe in that because I'm happy just as long as I am not putting on weight. Three summers ago all I did was eat, sit at work, eat, watch tv, eat, go out, eat, sleep and a new me was noticeable within a month and a half. My family joked about it - mostly my sis (yes sis...mostly you..hahaha!!) So I didn't and don’t want that to happen again.

Given that my difference up to this point has been minimal and people keep saying I can't limit or say no to eating, I have decided to watch what I eat. I will try eating healthier...what that means I don't know. It's a learning process for me considering how every food out there is meant to be eaten! My take on eating healthier includes the following:
v Reducing my sugar intake - no more candies, chocolates and other sweets
v No more fast food
v No late night eating (past 11pm)

One meal or one day of the week I will be eating whatever I want...that's to control my cravings. Yeah some of you may be thinking it's cheating...but it's hard cutting all the goodness ok!! I will also try to make it at least three times a week to the gym - how long and how intense the work out is remains to be seen.

Confession: During the month of August I had to indulge and say goodbye to the following:
Funnel cake at Buskerfest 
Chocolates (thanks to the people I have lunch with!!)
Lots of candy – it’s one of my bad habits and it doesn't help that recently we started a candy bowl at work and it happens to be near my desk
v       McDonald’s, Harvey’s, Wendy’s, Taco Bell, Burger King
     (I’m surrounded by them)
v     Lots of poutine during my trip to Montreal...all that cheese and gravy…mmmm
v     Numerous breakfast sandwiches from Tim Horton & McDonalds
v     Chicken wings, fries, pizza – the buffet dinner at Pizza Hut

With all of the above being cut down, hopefully a difference is noticeable in no time. I started my healthier eating routine on Sept 1 and so far I'm on track...I should treat myself to some strawberry cheesecake or a chocolate sundae.


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