Monday, September 13, 2010

Big Hype, Big Let Down

The MTV Video Music Awards seemed weird, boring and long at times…basically going nowhere! There was a lot of buzz with performances from Eminem, Canadians Justin Bieber and Drake, Kanye West and Taylor Swift (craziness part two possibly).

Talk surrounding Eminem started the moment he was announced as the opening act – was he capable of a much talked about opening like previous years (ie. Britney Spears’ Gimme More performance, and the Britney, Madonna, Christina kiss)? What happened next? Well, there was talk that Rihanna would be unable to attend due to her shooting schedule for the movie Battleship. This could have been interesting since there are a lot of artists that could have stepped in - maybe Elton John, like they did at the Grammy's...possibly...maybe not because OMJ...Rihanna showed what a big shocker, I did not expect that at all!! It must be impossible to get on a plane and fly on the same day for these celebrities!! So they performed and it was boring…try again! During one of the commercials, not sure if people heard, but the announcer is like, there is so much talk about Rihanna's surprise performance on twitter. Just lame!!

On to the Canadian artists…Justin Bieber performed and is it just me or does his dancing seem awkward?!?!? He seems out of place doing those moves; they seemed very forced. Drake's performance was just blah. Initially I thought it was going to be one of the standouts given the way it started with Mary J Blige and the stage set up....but it led to nada (nothing)…just three artists standing around singing. Mary's vocals were great. Swizz Beatz...umm why were you there?!?!? Do you even know how to play the piano?!?!? Why was your mic so low???

Then there is the whole Kanye West and Taylor Swift story and what would happen during the show. Well nothing! Her performance was good and the song talked about Kanye West, but what was up with the video footage at the start of the performance? Sure, remind us that you wanted to win an award, you won and Kanye West interrupted you. I think it’s time to let go and move on. Kanye West did the last performance and wow he was trying really, really hard - especially with that lame chorus. The red suit (minus those chains) and white background looked good. Other than that, please move along.

The best performance of the night was hands down Usher. The guy was singing, posing, sliding, spinning, dancing, jumping, and lip synching at times; he was doing it all! The whole performance was well put together and great usage of the stage.

Chelsea Handler did alright hosting. I'm with her hosting anytime just as long it's not that guy that Katy Perry is marrying! I liked how Chelsea thanked her Mexican Nugget friend...hahaha! I also like the part with her and the Jersey Shore cast. Seriously those guidos and guidettes have it made...getting paid (as much as actors for each episode) for partying and having fun!

The award show needs to put more focus on the awards and artists actually getting them. How many performances were there??? Too many! How many awards did they hand out??? Not enough. If they don't hand out awards, then why are they called the MTV Video Music Awards and how will they get randomness like Kanye West cutting people off during their acceptance speech? Focus on the awards and in the process create a good balance between the performances and the awards handed out!!!

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