Monday, September 20, 2010

For Your Entertainment Part II

My earlier post provided recommendations based on shows that have yet to premier this tv season. A number of The CW shows have already aired their first couple episodes of the 2010/2011 season. One of the network's new shows that I was looking forward to watching was Nikita because it reminded me of Alias (I miss Sydney Bristow - played by Jennifer Garner). I watched the pilot and it was interesting enough to make me want to continue watching. I saw the second episode last night and so far it's a good show. Maggie Q does a great job kicking some serious butt. Her character is on a mission and it looks like it might be fun going along for the ride. 

NBC also started its season with a couple shows premiering last week. I randomly started watching Outlaw - a brand new show staring Jimmy Smits. It's about a Supreme Court Justice who resigns from the bench and starts his own law firm. The pilot was ok. I will try watching it again and I’m hoping there is more to it than just another legal drama.

A show that I started watching this summer and trying to catch up on before its second season begins is Moderm Family. Sofia Vergara is in it...need I say more!!!

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