Monday, September 27, 2010

Free Quick Face Massage

The Amazing Race began its 17th season last night and as usual there are people making dumb moves and doing crazy things. One of the best moments from last night’s episode was the watermelon task during the road block. As you can see from the video (below), the female contestant got a nice surprise to the face. The first time I saw this was about a month ago and I laughed (I know, I know but hey it was funny to me). When I saw it last night I laughed again..hahahaha...I hope her face is ok. The team that got eliminated last night was the best friends and I guess the guy's education was of no benefit. There is no team that stood out and that I want to see in the final leg of the race, but so far I'm liking this season.

The Amazing Race airs Sunday nights at 8:30pm on CBS and CTV.

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