Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Want to buy underwear from the Canadian government?

OMJ the government of Canada is trying really  hard to reduce the budget deficit. They are selling ladies thongs…so if you (ladies) need new underwear, you can count on the Canadian government to meet those needs. New can mean "like new" or used underwear according to the government...euwww!! and lol!!!

Last year the interesting business brought in $14 million, so it looks like it’s doing really well for the government. Makes you wonder what else the government is doing. Oh well, at least the deficit is going down….hopefully.  
Here is part of the article found on The Star website:

Tonda MacCharles Ottawa Bureau
OTTAWA—It gives a whole new meaning to Crown assets.

The government of Canada in its ongoing quest to balance the books is selling off government property, including—ahem – ladies’ thong underwear.

It’s all about the, uh, bottom line.

After all, the Conservative government has vowed to eliminate the deficit four years from now. Property seized by or forfeited to the Crown must be disposed of.

Why, last year alone, they raked in $14 million.

Public Works and Services Canada’s website is currently displaying a range of sexy thongs that come in pink, magenta, violet, blue, silvery black, white and nude.

And they’re going like hotcakes.

The lingerie, sized XL, was advertised for sale “as is,” and described as “like new.”

A used thong could surely go for — what? 50 cents?

As it turns out, the thongs aren’t “used” – a small translation error, a source explained.

The panties have not been worn, and still have the original tags attached.

However, they’re not exactly “brand new” either.

To read the rest of the article go to:

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