Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Havoc: My iPhone, Swinging Bagman & the TTC

I got up this morning all ready to go for another regular work day. I got ready, got on the bus and got to Eglinton West subway station. I had just missed a train, so I had to wait 5 minutes for the next one. The train comes and as I was about to get on a man in front of me suddenly decides to take off his backpack. The man swings his bags like he is doing some trick. His bag makes contact with my earphones - pulling the chord and my phone out of my hand. My phone hits the train and falls onto the train tracks.

This is what the convo sounded like when my phone fell on the tracks:

Moi: Are you serious? Really? What the…?
Swinging Bagman: What? What?
Moi: My phone!! Hello!?!?!
Swinging Bagman: (as he gets off the train) What happened?
Moi: Are you serious? My phone just fell on the tracks!
Swinging Bagman: I don’t see it, where is it?
Moi: It’s on the tracks.
Swinging Bagman: You need to go tell the TTC operator.
Moi: NO! You need to go to tell him!

So the operator tells me that I need to wait for someone else to come and retrieve my phone. Luckily my phone fell underneath the platform and not directly on the train tracks. My phone was facing down so I was thinking that maybe the screen had cracked. A woman comes by and she tells me that I will get my phone and not to worry. I want to say thanks to that woman for the nice words (plus she was pretty and had a nice smile…hahaha). Anyways, I had to wait like 45 minutes for the TTC guy to come. I showed him where my phone was and he made a phone call to delay the train that was on its way to the station. I was happy that I was part of a TTC train delay (delays happen everyday, every hour, every morning and I just get annoyed by them – this time I wasn’t hahahaha). I got my phone and quickly checked the screen and turned it on. The phone was fine, but it did get a scratch on one of the corners …my iPhone has gone through a lot and it’s still in one piece. :) I was happy but kind of annoyed that I had to wait soooooo long. I could have just jumped onto the train tracks and gotten my phone a lot quicker or the TTC guy who was watching the other TTC collector could have gone to get it. TTC waste sooo much money!!

I managed to call work and inform them of my situation. I couldn’t call earlier since I don’t really know my work’s number or anyone’s number for that matter…lol…bad, bad, bad I know. So I got to Union station and bumped into my friend, Mr. A. I was starving so I needed food. We sat down and enjoyed our McDonald’s breakfast. I finally made it to work around 9.45am when I normally start at 8.30am. (If any of my co-workers are reading this please ignore this last paragraph :))

The rest of the day has been ok and my iPhone is working just fine.


  1. You had breakfast hey?! lol...I'm glad your phone is all in one piece.

  2. hahahah yes, i had breakfast and it soooo good. lol and don't tell the rest of the peeps
