Friday, March 25, 2011

Scared of Dying? has posted the top five ways to prolong your life (or as they put it cheat death). The main article and full details can be found on

Top Five Ways to Cheat Death:

  1. live in high altitude
    • lower risk of dying from coronary heart disease
    • extra UVA – more vitamin D

  1. make relationships last
    • better immune functioning
    • fewer risks taken that endanger those relationships
  1. brush your teeth
    • reduces heart disease if you brush 3 or more times per day
    • less oral bacteria entering your bloodstream

  1. breath fresh air
    • less dirty air that can trigger inflammatory reactions

  1. accept your age
    • you live 2 years longer
    • you experience healthier behaviours

Based on the above list I think I have many, many years ahead to live and enjoy life.
    • I work on the fourth floor and I live on a hill
    • I have known some people for many, many years
    • I brush my tooth (teeth) …3+ times a day umm I don’t know about that.
    • I like to think Toronto has clean air (In comparison to other places I have been to)
    • I like my age (in 5 or ten years that may change) plus I am the baby of my family since my siblings are all older then moi...haha. Forever young!

I say enjoy life and make it the best you can. Don’t worry about dying. We will all die at some time point, so why waste time and energy thinking about it. Just have fun and try to live a happy, memorable life.

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