Monday, November 29, 2010

Wal-Mart offers everything...

I was checking out Zap2it for my tv & movie update and at the bottom of the main page I found the following:

A comparison of various things you will find in Wal-Mart China & Wal-Mart US. The difference is interesting. The US offers strange humans looking crazy and derange. Clearly these people don't own a mirror or maybe they just like to express their individuality. Some are just gross! China on the other hand, offers a wide variety of items you may want to add to your dinner meal. I can't believe people eat some of those things.... I am willing to try some of! Basically it doesn't matter where you are and which Wal-Mart you go to, they all have something for you to look at and say OMJ.

Click on the link if you want to see the comparison:,0,303663,showall.photogallery

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