Thursday, November 4, 2010

Personal Free Day

I got to work yesterday and in the lobby I see a couple kids with their parents. Later on in the morning I see more kids in the halls wondering and exploring the building. It was take your kids to work day...that took me back to my experience in grade 9. I was in a new school, first year of high school, 14 years old and I believe it was the second year that take your kids to work day was in place. I remember my teachers making a big deal that we go to work with our parents, learn something and experience the working life. I was looking forward to it…why?...because it was my personal free day…a day off. Who doesn’t like a day off from school?!?!

I slept in and woke up around noon, had some breakfast, watched some tv and relaxed for the rest of the day. It was an awesome day; no school and no homework. I miss it. The following day all we had to do was comment how the day went at work with our parents….I said that it was great! A lot of my classmates did the same and took it as a day off. Based on the number of kids I saw yesterday, either there is more required once you return to school or the kids are forced or eager to learn about the working life. If they are forced...poor them, they sure missed out on an awesome day of doing nothing - a well needed break from school. If they are eager to learn, wow…good for them... I don't think I would ever skip the opportunity of sleeping in and enjoying a personal day.

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