Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Deadly Multi-layered Pigness

This is crazy!! 79,000 plus calories, lots of flavour and lots of fat. If anyone makes this at home please let me know because I want to try it. Thanks mr R for the video.

Fatty Greatness

Today my coworker got an email showing the reason why Americans are fat. It was a bunch of super sized fatty meals; all the items on the list included a tone of bacon. A lot of them had cheese and most were deep fried. One of those items on the list was The Double Hamburger Fatty Melt. The burger consists of cheese, bacon, cheese, bacon, cheese, bacon, etc. Mmmmm delicious!

I really, really, really want to try it! It looks good! I’m sure I’ll be dying sooner than expected, but hey its food and I love food, therefore I must try it! I’m not really a bacon person…why?...well, most of the time it’s not cooked the way I like it. I like my bacon well cooked and crispy. I do love cheese and the combo of bacon and cheese is pretty good! This burger is pretty easy to make at home to your likings. It’s definitely going on my to eat list.

All you need to make your own are several slices of bread, cheese, bacon, and two beef patties.
The order is:
Ø      Bacon-stuffed grilled cheese sandwich
Ø      Cheese
Ø      Bacon
Ø      4 ounce beef patty
Ø      Bacon- stuffed grilled cheese sandwich
Ø      Bacon
Ø      Cheese
Ø      4 ounce beef patty
Ø      Bacon stuffed grilled cheese sandwich

That sounds awesome!
Enjoy J

For other hamburger suggestions or recipes check out a hamburger today website: http://aht.seriouseats.com/

Monday, November 29, 2010

Wal-Mart offers everything...

I was checking out Zap2it for my tv & movie update and at the bottom of the main page I found the following:

A comparison of various things you will find in Wal-Mart China & Wal-Mart US. The difference is interesting. The US offers strange humans looking crazy and derange. Clearly these people don't own a mirror or maybe they just like to express their individuality. Some are just gross! China on the other hand, offers a wide variety of items you may want to add to your dinner meal. I can't believe people eat some of those things.... I am willing to try some of them....lol...maybe! Basically it doesn't matter where you are and which Wal-Mart you go to, they all have something for you to look at and say OMJ.

Click on the link if you want to see the comparison:

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Puerto Vallarta, Mexico was awesome! It was a week full of rest, sun, non-stop eating and fun. The hotel, Riu Vallarta, was more than what I expected. The weather was perfect. Mexicans and other tourist were friendly. The food was sooo good! The trip was amazing…I wish I was still at the beach lounging with a nice cold drink in my hand.  

This past week has been kind of crazy getting back into things so I haven’t had much time to make some posts. New posts should be up soon and I will making several posts during the next week sharing some of the adventures from Mexico. 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Fiesta Time

Tomorrow I am off to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. I am so excited to go and take some time off from work. I’m going to relax, take it easy, enjoy the sun, eat, and have fun. I’ll be in Puerto Vallarta for a week, thus there will be no postings next week.  I will try to post pics or short thoughts if I can (assuming the Wi-Fi at the hotel works and my phone is still functioning).   

Adios Amigos J   

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Walking Dead

The show premiered two Sundays ago and it’s doing really well on AMC. Two episodes have aired and the show has already been picked up for a second season. I have seen the pilot and wow!!! I really liked the episode. It was more than what I was expecting. The storyline is intriguing, the actors were great and interesting, and the killing scenes were gory…lots of blood.

If you haven’t seen the show you should check it out Sunday nights on AMC.

The Walking Dead Sneak Peek: Episode 2 - "Guts"

The Walking Dead Sneak Peek: Episode 3 - "Tell It To The Frogs"

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Awesome VLC

VLC is an open source media player…it’s the best app/media player ever!! It plays every kind of media out there - no matter what kind of audio or video format it is. Awesome! I’m currently watching videos (tv shows) non stop on my phone (making my way to work more enjoyable). I got the application several weeks ago and wow it has changed my life…hahaha…ok ok it has made my life a lot easier. Before the VLC app, I would get my shows, convert the file and upload it to my phone. The converting process was a drag. Now all I do is get my shows and upload it to my phone. No converting needed…more free time. I recommend VLC for everyone. You can download it and use on your computer or phone and best of all it’s free!

To get more info on the media or to download it check out:

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Personal Free Day

I got to work yesterday and in the lobby I see a couple kids with their parents. Later on in the morning I see more kids in the halls wondering and exploring the building. It was take your kids to work day...that took me back to my experience in grade 9. I was in a new school, first year of high school, 14 years old and I believe it was the second year that take your kids to work day was in place. I remember my teachers making a big deal that we go to work with our parents, learn something and experience the working life. I was looking forward to it…why?...because it was my personal free day…a day off. Who doesn’t like a day off from school?!?!

I slept in and woke up around noon, had some breakfast, watched some tv and relaxed for the rest of the day. It was an awesome day; no school and no homework. I miss it. The following day all we had to do was comment how the day went at work with our parents….I said that it was great! A lot of my classmates did the same and took it as a day off. Based on the number of kids I saw yesterday, either there is more required once you return to school or the kids are forced or eager to learn about the working life. If they are forced...poor them, they sure missed out on an awesome day of doing nothing - a well needed break from school. If they are eager to learn, wow…good for them... I don't think I would ever skip the opportunity of sleeping in and enjoying a personal day.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Xmas Is Here

I'm happy that Christmas is just around the corner. I love the holidays; lots of food, laughs and presents! I love receiving gifts :) Plus, who doesnt like the holiday music.

Click on the video below for some new music from Mariah. The single is called "Oh Santa!" and it's from her new album Merry Christmas II You.