Monday, October 4, 2010

Reading Time...For Who?...Me!

Big, big, big news...I have decided to read a book! Yes, you are reading it correctly and yes, I am ok. I know it's a shocker but hey people can be surprising at All books I have read were for school. I have only read two other books that I can recall. I read Papillon back in high school because my Spanish teacher recommended it. It was a very thick book and I took a long time to finish it, but the true story was very intriguing that I intend to re-read it one day. The other book I read was The Testament and I am not sure why I started reading the book, but it was interesting enough that I actually finished it. This time around I have decided to read The Celestine Prophecy. I found the book in the basement and over the last year I have seen several people reading it, so I am taking it as a sign that I should also read it. When will I finish it? is a mystery and unknown...hopefully soon. If you have recommendations on what book I should read next, go right ahead and let me know. :)



  1. You should read 'Passing' by Nella Larsen.

  2. Just read a little about the book and it seems interesting. Thanks for the recommnendation :)
