Friday, October 15, 2010

Jackass 3D

I was able to see the movie last night at an advance screening and the movie was…well…funny and gross! The movie was alright, but it’s not something that I would be dying to see.

My issues with the movie:
v     Why was it in 3D??? Porque??? It was completely pointless!
v     Why was there a movie to begin with? Hahaha…ok, ok sure make a movie but really 90 or more minutes of this stuff…um NO! Yes, the stuff they do is crazy and funny, but I was ready to leave midway.
v     They actually charge money for this?? …ok it wasn’t an issue for me since I didn’t pay, but I wouldn’t pay to see this movie.

Funny & Nasty Scenes:
v     Sweat scene…hilarious and just gross!!
v     The apple &
v     Last scene with the porta-potty…euwww….hahahaha...cannot believe he did that!

Ps. My collection of 3D glasses continues to grow J

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