Thursday, September 29, 2011

Oatmeal with a Colourful Twist

This morning I finally got the chance to try the mixed berry oatmeal from Tim Horton’s. I had previously tried, but they didn’t have it (even though they had signs all over Timmy’s promoting it…sadness!) Anyways, I got my oatmeal and it looked good given that it had mixed berries, but the taste was blah - It was pretty bland. I decided to add sugar and it was so much better. I know that it wasn’t not healthy choice since I overdue the whole sugar thing, but it made a big difference. After I had eaten the top part, with all the berries, the oatmeal looked extremely boring and dull, so I decided to add some M&M’s that I had at my desk (bad influence from the coworkers I tell you). The oatmeal looked colourful and alive. The taste was really good – very chocolaty and the crunchiness of the M&M shells was a nice touch. I will mention that after a while the M&M’s start melting and when you mix it all together the oatmeal looks a little a gross…haha… but it tastes good J 

Next time you have an oatmeal just add some M&M’s and enjoy. 

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