Monday, September 19, 2011

2011/2012 TV SEASON

The new TV season has started and here are my picks for the new shows that have caught my interest. I will watch the pilot and then write an entry indicating if the show is worth watching the rest of the season.

One of the most anticipated shows is Terra Nova. It looks cool and intense - production wise that is. The show will debut on Sept 26th on Fox at 9pm. 

Next up is Pan Am on ABC/CTV. I like Christina Ricci, so I will be watching the pilot on Sunday, Sept. 25th.

Ringer marks the return of Sarah Michelle Gellar and I also like her, plus the show looks interesting. Ringer airs on the CW on Tuesdays at 9pm.

Then there is Person of Interest on CBS. It's a J.J Abrams show - I like his previous work (Alias & Lost) - so there is hope with this show. Begins on Sept. 22 at pm.

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