Friday, August 19, 2011

Final Destination 5

This week I went to see Final Destination 5 and I enjoyed the latest instalment. I like scary movies and the Final Destination franchise is supposed to be scary and gruesome, but it’s not that scary for me. I mostly go watch the films for the death scenes…they are interesting, crazy, bloody, gory and some are even funny.  Check out the death scenes from the first four movies.

All five films have included some pretty cool death scenes and for some reason there is one death that made me laugh a lot (check it out below). A lot of people in the theater were laughing as well. I think it’s the crazy way she lands on the floor and the distorted way she ends up looking at the end.

Also check out the trailer for Final Destination 5 and go watch the movie if you haven’t seen it yet.

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