Wednesday, August 24, 2011

CNE's Doughnut Hamburger

I got the chance to try the doughnut hamburger from The Ex, thanks to my sis and Mr. J. The burger is one of the new offerings this year. I was looking forward to trying it and was wondering how all the flavours would come together. I took a big bite and it was alright – there was nothing special to say about it. The taste was not amazing and it wasn’t gross. What I didn’t like was that the flavours didn’t go together – the sweetness of the doughnut and the saltiness of the hamburger meat just didn’t mesh well or enhance the overall taste of the burger. I would rather eat each one separately. After eating it all, all I wanted was a Krispy Kreme doughnut. If you go to The Ex this year, I say try the doughnut burger but its nothing to be dying to try or to eat again and again.

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