Wednesday, December 22, 2010


The movie industry needs to calm down with this 3D obsession. Almost every movie now is in 3D and 99% of them don’t make good use of it. Touching back on my previous post on Tron: Legacy - like I said before, the movie is watchable but I wouldn’t tell someone to run and see the movie. My main problem with the movie is the fact that is in 3D. I hate wearing those glasses, especially when it doesn’t have a purpose. There was nothing in 3D to see - maybe one or two scenes. It annoys me that Tron: Legacy and all those other 3D movies are heavily advertised as 3D is the greatest and better viewing experience out there when it is just pointless. I don’t need uncomfortable glasses annoying me for a movie that has no 3D in it. Even before the film started viewers were told that most of the movie was 2D but you needed to keep the glasses on for the whole movie…LAME!!!

Even 3D tv’s where you need to wear those glasses at home…hahahaha…that is not going catch on. How uncomfortable is it to be wearing 3D glasses at home when watching your favourite shows or movies….LAME!!

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