Thursday, December 23, 2010

Double Down, Double Let Down

I finally tried KFC’S new offering - the Double Down. I was really looking forward to it! Who could not like chicken breast, cheese, bacon, cheese, and another chicken breast. Mmmm sounds good!



I was finally able to eat one, after several attempts at getting it (some locations do not offer it). OMJ it sucked!!! What a big disappointment!!! One word to describe it: Salt. What you get is salt, chicken breast, salty sauce, salt, cheese, salt, bacon, salt, cheese, salt, chicken breast, and finally more salt. If you haven’t tried it then save your money because it’s not worth spending $10 for a full combo to get salt. If you really want to try it just get a spoonful of salt and eat that, or get a piece of chicken breast, cover it with salt and enjoy.  

The Double Down is a Double NO NO!!

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