Wednesday, December 29, 2010



Thanks to everyone who entered.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Feliz Navidad

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Double Down, Double Let Down

I finally tried KFC’S new offering - the Double Down. I was really looking forward to it! Who could not like chicken breast, cheese, bacon, cheese, and another chicken breast. Mmmm sounds good!



I was finally able to eat one, after several attempts at getting it (some locations do not offer it). OMJ it sucked!!! What a big disappointment!!! One word to describe it: Salt. What you get is salt, chicken breast, salty sauce, salt, cheese, salt, bacon, salt, cheese, salt, chicken breast, and finally more salt. If you haven’t tried it then save your money because it’s not worth spending $10 for a full combo to get salt. If you really want to try it just get a spoonful of salt and eat that, or get a piece of chicken breast, cover it with salt and enjoy.  

The Double Down is a Double NO NO!!

Coffee + Straw = :)

I’m all about drinking my coffee with a straw…yeah, yeah that may be weird, but it’s awesome!
When people see me they stare and have a face that looks like they are seeing some strange out of this world thing…it’s just a coffee and a straw people! What they fail to recognize are the benefits it may have, making the coffee drinking experience much more enjoyable.

The benefits:
v     use the straw to properly stir the cream and sugar
v     reduces spilling in the event the lid is not properly placed on
v     better control of the first sip you take (so you don’t burn your mouth)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


The movie industry needs to calm down with this 3D obsession. Almost every movie now is in 3D and 99% of them don’t make good use of it. Touching back on my previous post on Tron: Legacy - like I said before, the movie is watchable but I wouldn’t tell someone to run and see the movie. My main problem with the movie is the fact that is in 3D. I hate wearing those glasses, especially when it doesn’t have a purpose. There was nothing in 3D to see - maybe one or two scenes. It annoys me that Tron: Legacy and all those other 3D movies are heavily advertised as 3D is the greatest and better viewing experience out there when it is just pointless. I don’t need uncomfortable glasses annoying me for a movie that has no 3D in it. Even before the film started viewers were told that most of the movie was 2D but you needed to keep the glasses on for the whole movie…LAME!!!

Even 3D tv’s where you need to wear those glasses at home…hahahaha…that is not going catch on. How uncomfortable is it to be wearing 3D glasses at home when watching your favourite shows or movies….LAME!!


Tron is an ok movie - nothing spectacular or awesome to say about it. It’s another watchable movie. The storyline is blah…kind of predictable - A new world is created, someone is bad, someone is good, good and bad fight, one of them makes a sacrifice to save the world…and on and on. I’m sure you get the picture. Plus, the explanations given for some of the characters' history were weak and lame, or maybe it was because I didn’t care. Considering its budget of $170 million I was expecting a lot more. It did alright open weekend with $44 million, but given the budget I’m not sure if that is really a good thing. Maybe internationally it will do well. Big budget, big promotion cost …hopefully there is a profit.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Ke$ha - Cannibal

OMJ is giving away a Kesha - with a dollar sign- CD.

Enter to win by sending an email to State your name and that you entering for Kesha’s new CD, Cannibal. Deadline to enter is Friday Dec 24, 2010 11:59pm. The winner will be notified on Dec 25th.

Rihanna & Xtina Roar Up the UK

Rihanna and Christina Aguilera performed during the season finale of The X Factor and people in the UK are going bananas. Apparently it was too sexual…. Too much to air before 9pm.

Watch both performances and judge for yourself:

Rihanna performs What’s My Name from her album Loud:

Christina Aguilera performs Express from her first movie Burlesque:

UK folks need to chill and continue to focus on their snow issues (whining on three little snowflakes.) The two performances are what you expect from the two artists - the outfits and dance moves are not shocking at all. UK viewers should just relax and enjoy the show.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Black Swan

Black Swan is a really good movie directed by Darren Aronofsky. I definitely recommend everyone to go see it. Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis's performance were well done. Natalie Portman always seems to do a good job. I liked Mila Kunis in That '70s Show and now I really like her. She can definitely play different characters and make them believable. I am not surprise both of them have been getting recognition as strong contenders for all upcoming awards.

The story is interesting, all actors do a great job, the ending is fitting and good.
Go watch it!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Just Weird

Is it just me or do these pictures look weird? Actually the whole campaign is weird, but koodos to Alicia Keys and the other celebrities for raising money for the Keep Alive Foundation.


she looks like she has some kind of smirk on her face

that's how I was going to rest my arm
nice pic