Monday, December 5, 2011

My chair is killing me

So I have told several people over the years that one of my goals is to live past 100. I am working on making that happen. I have sort of changed my eating habits (I love food too much to just cut everything you have to indulge sometimes) and I am going to the gym (not as often as I should...but i am working on it).So today when I got to work the first thing I saw was this...

so basically I should quit my job....hahaha....I don't want to die young,  I need to make it past 100. I need to  spend less time with my comfy chair - I need to walk more around the office, go for walk during lunch, take the stairs, stretch here and there, run for longer periods of time, increase the intensity of my workout at the gym, less time sitting around at home, etc... Basically don't sit for too long!  I could always change my job...

Anyways, check out the full article on The Globe and Mail website at

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